Hey guys,
So, this week coming I am about embark on a new certificate, it is the EC-Council Certified Incident Handler v2 and I am pretty excited for it.
I am going to post each week on it about what I am planning to learn, what labs I’ll be taking if any and stuff like that.
So, what is ECIH?
This latest iteration of EC-Council’s Certified Incident Handler (E|CIH) program has been designed and developed in collaboration with cybersecurity and incident handling and response practitioners across the globe.
It is a comprehensive specialist-level program that imparts knowledge and skills that organizations need to effectively handle post breach consequences by reducing the impact of the incident, from both a financial and a reputational perspective.
Following a rigorous development which included a careful Job Task Analysis (JTA) related to incident handling and incident first responder jobs, EC-Council developed a highly interactive, comprehensive, standards-based, intensive 3-day training program and certification that provides a structured approach to learning real-world incident handling and response requirements.
Professionals interested in pursuing incident handling and response as a career require comprehensive training that not only imparts concepts but also allows them to experience real-scenarios. The E|CIH program includes hands-on learning delivered through labs within the training program. True employability after earning a certification can only be achieved when the core of the curricula maps to and is compliant with government and industry-published incident and response frameworks.
E|CIH is a method-driven program that uses a holistic approach to cover vast concepts concerning organizational incident handling and response from preparing and planning the incident handling response process to recovering organizational assets after a security incident. These concepts are essential for handling and responding to security incidents to protect organizations from future threats or attacks.
The plan is to take this over the coming months and then when I eventually pass possibly move on to do CHFI (Certified Hacking Forensic Investigator v10) or CEH (Certified Ethical Hacker).
In October last year (2021) I started a job in Incident Response and absolutely love it, the company (Sophos) are a total joy to work for, my work colleagues are so good at what they do and I am learning so much, I think in any profession let alone cybersecurity you have to keep learning and have to love what you do and I certainly do love it but my problem is I am a touch obsessed and want to learn it all now.
Understand I can’t learn it all now so where do I begin?

To supplement the skills I am learning at work I really wanted a certificate in the field as well as structured learning for when not at work and this is exactly the right thing.
The course covers the following 9 modules and I have also started a YouTube channel, now I am not expecting a million followers but thought it would be cool to do like a video a month touching on the same subject from the site but in video form.

Have never made a YouTube video before but my youngest son has a gaming channel and informs me he will help out, he is 8 hahaha
Here is the link, would appreciate any follows if only to get to 100 for the vanity URL.
One of the main reasons for doing this course and certicate is to write about it almost like a diary type fashion so, i plan to start secion 1 on planning and spend a month or so per secrion talking about what worked, what didnt, what i discovered in the labs. what lessons i have learnt from a notes aspect and stuff like that.
Hope to have you along for the ride.
Speak soon.