This is the second volume of the four-volume course and if you haven’t already you can read my review of volume 1 over here (
I have a huge interest in networking so I was looking forward to getting started on this course knowing the depth that Nathan would go into after taking volume 1.
This is a fantastic continuation from the last volume and carries on seamlessly from it, I have my CCNA 1 and 2 but that was around 15 years ago to which I then went onto to do NOTHING at all with it, it’s only recently that I have been getting back to it all and trying to learn more and so this volume was captivating in that it was like a refresher for a lot of things but also learnt so many new skills too.
The amount of information and subject matter Nathan goes over is quite incredible and the way he breaks stuff down really does allow you to grasp a concept more in your head.
Become a cybersecurity specialist.
After this course, you will be able to discover security vulnerabilities across an entire network, by using network hacking techniques and vulnerability scanning.
You will be able to architect your network for maximum security and prevent local and remote attacks. We also cover the use of custom router firmware to provide you with better network security services.
You will understand the various types of firewalls that are available and what threats each help mitigate.
Including layer 4 firewalls like Iptables on Linux and PF on MacOS and BSD. Virtual firewalls, host-based firewalls and application-based firewalls like Pfsence. We cover firewalls on all platforms including Windows, Mac OS X and Linux for all types of use scenarios.
We explore in detail wireless security, the configurations that are required for maximum security and why. How Wi-Fi is hacked and how to mitigate those attacks. Covering everything from encryption weaknesses to evil twins, RF isolation, and Wi-Fi crackers.
You will master network monitoring to discover and identify potential hackers, malware and other adversaries that might be lurking on your network. Using tools like Wireshark, Tcpdump and Syslog.
We then move away from network security and onto the details of how we are tracked online by corporations, nation-states your ISP and others. You will understand the techniques used like zombie super cookies, browser fingerprinting and how browser profiling works so third parties can establish who you are online.
We look at search engine privacy – and how to mitigate the tracking and privacy issues of search engines and their associated services.
Browser security – We cover one of the largest risks online, the browser. The doorway into your system. How to best reduce the attack surface of the browser and harden it for maximum security and privacy. A critical consideration for reducing your risk.
Finally you will fully understand how to best use methods of authentication including passwords and multi-factor authentication – soft tokens and hard tokens.
The best password managers to use and why. How passwords are cracked, and how to mitigate the cracking.
This is volume 2 of 4 of your complete guide to cyber security privacy and anonymity.
Who this course is for:
- This course is for anyone who wants to become an expert in security, privacy, and anonymity. This volume covers network security attacking and defending. Online tracking and browser security.
- For anyone who would love to gain a practical skillset in mitigating the risk from, malware, Trojans, hackers, trackers, cybercriminals and all online threats.
- This course is for anyone who wants to keep their precious files, emails, accounts and personal information out of the hands of the bad guys.
- For beginners and intermediate Internet users who are interested in security, safety, and privacy.
- For those who want privacy and anonymity online from hackers, corporations and governments.
- This course is designed for personal and home Internet security, privacy, and anonymity. Most of the topics apply in the same way to a business, but the course is delivered as if to an individual for personal cybers security, privacy, and anonymity.
Here is a list of the Course contents for you to see.
And again in each section, there are sub-sections like the following.
‘Introduction’ section is a welcome back from Nathan, another security quick win along with stuff like study recommendations.
‘Goals and Learning Objectives – Volume 2’ section is as it says, talking about goals and learning objectives.
‘Routers – Port and Vulnerability scanning’ section is where it starts to get really interesting, we learn about the home router which you will be surprised how little you know about as well as internal and external scanning with tools like Shodan, NMAP, Nessus etc.
‘Firewalls’ section carries on with one of the trends I really liked in volume 1 where he shows you how to do these things is not just Windows but also in Linux and Mac too. You will learn all about host-based, network-based and virtual firewalls along with UFW, gufw, pflist, smoothwall and loads more.
‘Network Attacks, Architecture and Isolation’ section is where learn about network isolation, ARP spoofing and more.
‘Wireless and Wi-Fi Security’ section is great for learning about the different kinds of weaknesses and how to protect yours.
‘Network Monitoring for Threats’ section is absolutely fascinating as we start to learn about network monitoring with Wireshark, tcpdumo, tshark and iptables and more.
‘How We Are Tracked Online’ section goes on about HTTP referral, cookies, scripts etc
‘Search Engines and Privacy’ section is where we learn about different kinds of search engines and which ones are recommended.
‘Browser Security and Tracking Prevention’ section is jam-packed with information around track blockers, umatrix, ghostery and loads more I was completely unaware of when I started the course.
‘Passwords and Authentication Methods’ section has so much great information on password managers and different multi-factor authentication methods.
‘Wrap Up’ section is a congratulation and certificate if you want it.
‘BONUS’ Section is interesting as you get lectures from volumes 1, 3 and 4.?
Go to the website and have a look at the courses, they are fantastic value for money.
Check them out at the following:-
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Nathan Twitter =
Please can I get a pdf copy please the course is high for me to afford please