Following on from the previous [DFIR TOOLS] posts. Hasher is a software application developed by Eric Zimmerman that is used to calculate and compare the hash values of files. A hash value is a unique code that is generated based on the contents of a file. By comparing the hash values of two files, it…
Tag: Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity-Attacks and Defenses Strategies 3rd Edition by Yuri Diogenes & Dr Erdal Ozkaya REVIEW
This book is a little different to the ones I have been reading recently in that it is more general in a sense that it covers the whole cybersecurity umbrella regarding red and blue teaming and the like. It’s nice every now and then to just read book like this every now and then over…
Network Basics for Hackers by Occupy the Web REVIEW!
Today I get to review another book from Occupy the Web who I am a big fan of, his books are fantastic, and I have every one that has been released so far, so when this book `Networking for Hackers` was getting released it was a total no brainer in working through it. It couldn’t…
Interview With One of the Great DFIR Talents, Alessandro Di Carlo (samaritan_o)
Alessandro is and unbelievable talent in the DFIR world, not only do I look forward to anything he writes either on his own site or over on The DFIR Report but on social media also. He knows his stuff and I just don’t say this because he writes at The DFIR Report who in my…
Interview with DFIR Legend Alexis Brignoni
For this interview I have had the please to speak with someone who is so prevalent in DFIR, is very highly thought of and is a pleasure to have got the chance to chat. I have been trying to learn Python for what seems like forever, and it was where I first spent any kind…
HACKTORIA: Prisoner of War – Walkthrough
Hello, Time for another walkthrough from over on Hacktoria, I will get to the more harder ones I just wont to do it in the Easy > Medium > Hard > Insane order. So here we go. Prisoner of WarGreetings Special Agent K. We have an urgent contract for the government of France. After their…
Interview With 0 Day Clothing
Before starting this post I want to state this is not an ad or promotion or anything like that it is me who reached out the 0 Day for an interview as I am genuinely a fan of their clothes. There tops have appeared in my favourite show (and probably your favourite too) Mr Robot….
HACKTORIA: The Killer Clown – Walkthrough
Back with another Hacktoria walkthrough, easing myself in by working through all the easy ones first and this time it is ‘The Killer Clown‘. Ok, so I won’t try to over think this like I did on the lost at see when i tried to crack the password using the RockYou.txt lol. So the image…
[DFIR TOOLS] AmcacheParser, what is it & how to use!
Following on from the previous [DFIR TOOLS] posts below, this time I will speak about AmcacheParser again from the Eric Zimmerman suite. [DFIR TOOLS] Timeline Explorer, what is it & how to use! We will start with Erics description on its purpose:- “Amcache.hve parser with lots of extra features. Handles locked files” But what is…
Interview with 13Cubed who is also DFIR Investigator for Microsoft Richard Davis.
Hello, For this interview I am pleased to share someone who is one of the two people that have been so important in my learning the DFIR skills outwith my work colleagues. His name is Richard Davis but you will know him as 13Cubed, along with Eric Zimmerman for his tools Richard’s videos have been…